Your one stop for Travel, Fashion and Food

Holy Chic

February 2, 2015

Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

Holy Chic my blog is finally LIVE!! I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to be writing this post, the first of sooo many to come! For those of you who read The Spiffy Biffies you know it’s been a little while since I’ve posted but there was never a doubt in my mind that I would be blogging again, it was all a matter of picking myself up, dusting myself off and starting over again. Easier said than done, but better done than said. So after a couple of months of gathering my thoughts/ideas and a ton (like a ton) of retail therapy I’m excited for this new endeavor and so grateful for all of my super supportive friends that have pushed me in the direction that lead me to this place. I’m about to go so hard styling outfits, I hope everyone is ready because I’m  F I X I N   T O   T H R I L L.


Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

Fixin to Thrill: A blog for fashion lovers, duh

P  I  E  C  E  D    O  U  T  :

Thanks for reading!

 Xx Sylvia


I'm Sylvia

Welcome to my blog, where I share my travel adventures and tips, food finds and more inspiration to live a life fixed to thrill.

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