Your one stop for Travel, Fashion and Food

New Endeavors with Nordstrom

November 15, 2016


Lately I’ve been pretty MIA (missing in action) here on the blog and it’s not ok.
I haven’t forgotten about my blog or all of my amazing readers. I’ve been struggling to find the time, or rather the energy to sit down and jam out a blog post. Shooting has been impossible to schedule with the days being shorter and my workload larger… excuses, excuses! But seriously, blogging is still just as important and fun for me and I swear to be more consistent. This blog has been the catalyst for so much over the past almost 2 years (wow it’s been almost 2 years which is still crazy to me!) including my recent absence, ironic huh? This blog has opened up SO many doors for me and most recently that was an opportunity of a lifetime- to join the Nordstrom family as a Personal Stylist. Can you say dream job?
D R E A M    J O B! 

Being a Stylist has long been a goal of mine, more than that-a dream! Working at Nordstrom though, that has taken it to another level. The tools I’ve been given and the high level of continuous training that goes into this position is teaching me so much about the possibilities of styling and the future of it.


So a lot of people ask me these questions when I tell them I’m a Personal Stylist for Nordstrom:


I love you all and I will get better at juggling these two very important parts of my life.

Xx Sylvia

Photos: Carlos Barron Photography

I'm Sylvia

Welcome to my blog, where I share my travel adventures and tips, food finds and more inspiration to live a life fixed to thrill.

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