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Friday Fix: The Ultimate Splurge or the Risky Splurge

May 3, 2019

Friday Fix: The Ultimate Splurge or the Risky Splurge

Everyone online shops when it’s raining outside, right? & by online shop I really mean online “window shop”, because it’s always the rainy depressing days when I need a reminder that I also need to be making more money to afford things that I want/love. Why do I choose these days to peruse the Chanel website? Why couldn’t I have wandered over to Forever 21 or ASOS? It’s like the rain brings out my luxurious cravings. It’s a vicious circle of heartbreak. But alas, it’s my routine.

Today has been all the more interesting because as you guys may know by now if you follow my Instagram stories, I’m going out of town this weekend. I don’t usually check the weather too often when I’m going to Miami or any other tropical place to be honest. It’s probably going to rain at some point or another because hello, it’s tropical, it’s to be expected. However, the weather here has forced me to be on my phone and computer a little more than usual and I couldn’t help but notice some of my favorite Miami bloggers posting about the gloomy weather…Um what? NOT what I’m trying to see! So naturally I hop on to my weather app and just what I was dreading, thunderstorms all of the day’s I’m going to be out there! Ugh! The whole reason I’m going is because I never got a tan in Mexico because of all of the seaweed on the beaches and needed to get in some quality beach time and you’re going to tell me that it’s going to be storming the WHOLE TIME? Nooooo!

…more online browsing.

Which has brought me to my current dilemma; splurge or risky more expensive splurge? Do I cancel my trip/hotel reservation and use that money to buy a pair of designer slides? Or do I risk it since it’s already booked and I’ll probably lose a little money on my hotel and I know tropical places always have rain in the forecast so that could mean little? Ugh, see my dilemma? Help! It’s Taurus season and I’m having the most ‘Taurus’ problems ever but I need some guidance. Memories or material things?

Before you blurt out your judgmental opinions look over these A-DOR-A-BLE Chanel slides. Damn you Chanel, the only thing that could even make me consider this blasphemous thought!

So tell me, splurge on the shoes and cancel my potentially rainy trip or go on my already booked/paid for trip and stop crying over a little rain? Drop me a comment below or go vote on my Instagram poll in my stories, hurry, my flight is in 17 hours!

Xx Sylvia

I'm Sylvia

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